Green Partridge

About Me

I would like to welcome everybody to my website! 
Have a look and a browse and hopefully you see something that makes you smile or makes your heart beat faster and you may even buy it… The thought that I can bring joy to people’s hearts and homes is a great compliment and the reason why I have started putting my art on a website. Enjoy! 

Nature Loving Artist

You’ll probably notice that a lot of my work is inspired by nature. Ever since I was very young, I have loved all creatures great and small, flowers and being outside. Where I grew up in Zeeland, the Netherlands there was plenty of space to roam around, especially on my pony. That’s where the love of horses comes from and the Dutch themes.

Inspirational Countryside

As an exchange student I met my English husband and I am now living in the beautiful countryside of West-Sussex with him, our three children and cavalier king Charles spaniel Morris. Sussex has got the best of both worlds;  miles of green countryside, coastline and lovely villages and towns. So, there’s enough inspiration to keep me going for a while!